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MTZ signed an agreement for the supply and assembly of tractors in India

Minsk Tractor Plant and Erisha Agritech Private Limited (India) have signed a cooperation agreement, the Belarusian company said in a telegram channel.

The Belarusian brand of agricultural machinery. widely known among agricultural producers, MTZ (Minsk Tractor Plant), continues to expand the geography of supplies. Recently MTW reached an agreement with the Indian concern Erisha Agritech Private Limited (India) on cooperation on a long-term basis. This was announced on June 4 by the information source of the Belarusian enterprise.

General Director of OJSC "MTZ" Vitaly Vovk informed that the Indian side will acquire 200 units of modern agricultural machines "Belarus" during 2021. In addition, representatives of Belarus and India expressed interest in industrial cooperation. According to the plans being worked out, a production line for assembling tractors under the general name "DARSH BELARUS" will be equipped on Indian platforms.

According to the results of the constructive management of the employees of the Belarusian enterprise, in the future, agreements will be concluded for the supply of tractors to India's neighboring countries - Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal.

It is important to note that the Belarusian-Indian contracts were concluded within the framework of the large international specialized exhibition Belagro 2021.

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