More than 750 inter-state curfew passes are issued to farmers in Bihar in order that they might bring operators and technicians from Punjab and Haryana to run combine harvesters for cutting the wheat crop, Deputy chief minister Sushil Kumar Modi said on Tuesday. He said an outsized number of Bihar farmers have purchased combine harvesters within the recent past availing the subsidy provided by the government on the equipment, but there is a shortage of operators and technicians to run them. In such a situation, they have to rent experts from Punjab and Haryana, he said.
Considering their problem to maneuver out during the nationwide lockdown necessitated by coronavirus outbreak, the government has issued inter-state curfew passes to several farmers to make sure uninterrupted harvesting of their wheat crop, said Modi, who also holds the Finance portfolio. Armed with the passes, several farmers have left on their vehicles to bring operators and technicians of combine harvesters from prominent agri states of Punjab and Haryana, he said. Acknowledging the matter, he said the government has decided to offer the training to work and repair harvester to the natives of the state in order that they are doing not require to bring technicians from outside from next year. The Bihar government has already issued guidelines and advisories to stay agricultural activities out of the lockdown purview, he said, adding many shops dealing in fertilizers, seeds, agriculture equipment, tractor workshops, etc. still remain to enclose the absence of data among the intended sections.
The officials concerned are directed to make sure smooth transportation and sale of agrochemicals (pesticides), seeds, agriculture equipment, milk booth, dairy products, poultry feed among others in order that nobody faces any difficulties in buying these things, he said. ARSNS SNS",
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