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Government Schemes to Promote Agriculture in India

The Central Government in India has recognized the importance of farmer welfare. Towards this objective, it has many ongoing schemes and initiatives which aim to increase farmers’ incomes and improve their living condition. The schemes below are targeted to provide new energy to the agriculture sector in India.

1. Soil Health Card Scheme

The Soil Health Card scheme was launched in 2015. Soil Health Cards are issued to all farmers under this scheme. These cards provide information regarding nutrient status of the soil. Based on this information, farmers can ascertain the dosage of nutrients required for improve their soil fertility.

2. Gramin Bhandaran Yojna

This scheme creates storage capacity with associated facilities in rural areas. The objective of creating storage is to allow farmers to store farm produce and processed food and agricultural inputs. Facilities are also made to promote grading, standardization, and quality control of agricultural produce. This scheme prevents distress sale by providing the facility of pledge financing and marketing credit.

3. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)

This scheme enables the farmer to get subsidized insurance for his crops. Farmer has to be pay maximum premium of 1.5% for Rabi and 2% for Kharif crops and 5% for horticulture crops. The remaining premium is shared equally by the Center and State Governments. Claims are settled promptly based on yield data and timely intimation by the farmer.

4. National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA)

NMSA is one of the eight Missions under National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC). It aims at promoting Sustainable Agriculture through climate change adaptation measures, enhancing agriculture productivity especially in rainfed areas focusing on integrated farming, soil health management, and synergizing resource conservation.

5. Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY)

This scheme was launched in 2015 and aims to provide “Har Khet Ko Pani”. It targets end to end solutions in irrigation supply chain, distribution, and farm level usage. This scheme focuses on Micro Irrigation and harnessing rain water.

6. Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY)

This scheme promotes organic farming in the country. Organic farming improves soil health and organic matter content. Further, the organic produce increases the ability of the farmer to charge premium prices.

7. Neem Coated Urea (NCU)

This scheme aims to promote more efficient use of Urea. NCU slows the release of urea and makes it last longer in the soil. This improves availability of nitrogen and reduces cost of fertilizers.

8. Micro Irrigation Fund (MIF)

A fund dedicated to Micro Irrigation has been approved with a corpus of Rs. 5000 crores. This is to be utilized to encourage public and private investments in Micro irrigation.

9. National Agriculture Market (e-NAM)

This scheme enables e-marketing platform at national level. Also, it provides for supporting creation of infrastructure required for e-marketing. E-marketing allows for better price discovery which brings in transparency and competition leading to better prices for farmers.

10. Agriculture Contingency Plan

District level Agriculture Contingency plans have been made under this scheme. State Agricultural Universities have used a standard template to model the impact of monsoons and other extreme weather events such as cold and heat waves, and hailstorms and cyclones which could negatively impact crops.

11. Scheme on Fisheries Training and Extension

This scheme provides training for the fishery sector to enable growth in the fishery sector.

12. Livestock insurance Scheme

This scheme provides insurance to the livestock farmers against death of cattle animals. It aims to stabilize the income from cattle rearing and an improvement in the lives of the cattle rearers.

13. National Scheme on Welfare of Fishermen

This scheme aims to enable monetary assistance to fishermen for housing, community halls for recreation and meetings. Tubewell installation for drinking water is also covered under this scheme.

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