
Sustainable Future of Indoor Farming With Automation in India

Increasing population, uncontrolled environment and rapidly growing demand make sustainability more critical. And in this case, conventional farming replaces vertical indoor farming, which covers less space, does not require arable…

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Top 10 Goat Breeds & Profitable Goat Farming Business Ideas

Livestock farming is also a prolific part of the agriculture sector. But, some of the farmers can’t prefer farming because of the high investment required. In that case, they are…

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साल 2023 के सबसे दमदार टॉप 10 ट्रैक्टर – जानें कीमत, फीचर्स व विशेषताएं

भारत के सबसे दमदार ट्रैक्टर्स और उनके फीचर्स – टॉप 10 ट्रैक्टर किसान भाइयों, ट्रैक्टरगुरु की इस खास पोस्ट में आपका स्वागत है। इस पोस्ट में हम आपको साल 2023…

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Types Of Fertilizers That Improve The Crops Health

Aridity! Climatic changes and lack of knowledge spoils farming. Sometimes the farmers don’t even get the information regarding farming, what they have to choose and How? We know agriculture is…

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Hydroponic Farming System Setup With Methods And Facts

The hydroponic system is infrequent for Indian farmers due to many variable technologies. But, as we know, the technologies have changed, and the farming method has also changed. And the…

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Modern Vertical Farming In India With Complete Overview

As we know, the urban population is continually rising, and their consumption demand is rapidly increasing. To feed everyone while having less harm to the land and water resources, farmers…

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Top 10 Different Types Of Cultivation In Agriculture

The agriculture sector is a backbone and an essential part of the Indian economy because it contributes 17% total to the GDP. It is also a big source of employing…

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Most Profitable Livestock Farming Business Ideas in India

Livestock farming is a good source of income nowadays. No doubt, livestock farming in India has become a money-making business on a small and large scale. Moreover, livestock are the…

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Top 10 Rotavator for Farming in India – Price and Features

Top 10 Rotavator Company in india and their Rotavators Want to buy a rotavator for the farming business? Rotavator are widely using farm implements, which generally use to plough farms…

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Smart Emerging Technologies in Farming in India with Impact

New and emerging technologies in agriculture improve performance and productivity. In addition, it helps to meet the growing consumption needs of the global population. So, that’s why farmers are ready…

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