Most Profitable Livestock Farming Business Ideas in India

Livestock farming is a good source of income nowadays. No doubt, livestock farming in India has become a money-making business on a small and large scale. Moreover, livestock are the movable property of farms and a good investment for future use. Check out the most profitable livestock farming business idea’s here.
Many people know about it, but some ordinary people like farmers don’t know about livestock farming properly. But, they are willing to know that, what is livestock farming? So, here we are describing livestock farming.
India has a vast portion of agriculture, and livestock farming is one of the important part of the agriculture sector. Livestock farming is initiated with the domestic animals raised to provide labour and becomes a source to produce goods such as meat, eggs, milk, fur, wool, and many more. Sometimes, some livestock is nurtured for consumption like cattle, sheep, goats, hens, lamb, etc.
Nowadays, crop and livestock production has become very popular for a good income. But because of a lack of knowledge, they cannot start a livestock farming business. So, here we are giving you the complete guidelines regarding livestock farming definition, Importance, Benefits, types of livestock farming ideas and business tips also.
Importance of Livestock Farming
One of the highest advantages of livestock farming is the livestock’s portion in the agriculture sector is extensive due to its high contribution. Moreover, livestock farming is a part of the strategy that can help to reduce poverty because it can develop rapidly and efficiently.
Livestock farming provides better livelihood to the two-thirds portion of the rural sector and employs 8% of the population of India. India has the most significant ratio of livestock and has an enormous contribution to the Indian economy by 4.11% of GDP.
It has a vital role in the economy of farmers. The farmers in India maintain a mixed crop-livestock farming system (a combination of crop and livestock) where the output of one sector becomes another sector’s input, thereby realizing resource efficiency.
Benefits of Livestock Farming
Income: Livestock is a source of income for many families in India, especially the resource-poor who maintain few heads of animals. The farmers who raise cows and buffaloes can earn regular income by selling their milk.
Employment: Many people in India are less educated and unskilled. They depend upon agriculture or livestock for their livelihoods. But being agriculture is seasonal in nature and can be employed for a limited period. So, livestock farming can also be a source of employing rural people.
Food: By livestock farming, you can get milk, meat and eggs.
Social Security: In India, animals are used for various socio-religious functions. Cows are used for house warming ceremonies. Bucks, goats and chickens are also used for sacrifice during festive seasons.
Product: Livestocks produce dung, and in rural areas, dung is used for many purposes that include dung cakes as fuel, fertiliser & manure, and also for wall plastering.
Types of Livestock Farming Business Ideas
The business of livestock farming systems in India is very lucrative. To start this commercial livestock farming business, you have to choose the most profitable livestock farming ideas, which we mentioned below.
1. Dairy Farming
India has a 22% global production of milk and has become the world’s largest milk producer with the United States, China, Pakistan and Brazil.
That’s why India has a big dairy farming ratio that focuses on producing milk. Dairy farming means raising animals for milk and other related dairy products. Commercial cattle farming or dairy farming includes livestock species such as cows, cattle, goats, sheep, camels and also many other animals, which can provide milk and food for human consumption.
Livestock management and dairying is a part of livestock sustainable farming that is also a good source of basic income for the farmers or the regular sellers (Milkman).
2. Goat Farming
Goat farming is the most profitable livestock farming business in India. It comes under livestock intensive farming and semi-intensive farming. The commercial production of goats is very high because of its good economic prospectus. Livestock farming goats is a less investment and high-return livestock business that can be started in a small area.
You have to choose the most profitable goat breed to start goat farming. The Jamnapari is the most popular breed for commercial goat farming in India. It is mainly found in Uttar Pradesh and is mainly raised for milk.
3. Poultry Farming
As the increasing demand for chicken and eggs makes, poultry farming is the most profitable business in India. India’s 3 million farmers are working or practising on livestock and poultry production also. Moreover, poultry farming raised many domestic birds, chickens, and many more categories. Hence, it is one of the fastest-growing areas that come under the livestock farming business.
You can start poultry organic farming in livestock, which can be profitable for small farmers in small scale areas. Chicken livestock farming and small chicks or roosters are the most profitable livestock for small farms. You can raise little, day-old chicks to a healthy roaster size. Organic poultry farming provides high profit at low investment, which is reliable for small scale farmers.
4. Emu Farming
According to India’s climate, Emu farming becomes a profitable commercial business. Emu farming is highly adaptable in agro-climatic regions and most popular in Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and other states. It is profitable farming because of its valuable eggs, meats, oil, skin, leather and feathers.
An emu bird lays 30 to 35 eggs each year, and the cost of each egg is Rs. 1000 to 2000 in the global market. Therefore, the egg of emu and newborn emu has an extensive demand in the international market.
5. Crab Farming
Crab farming is expanding rapidly in the Indian states such as Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, West Bengal, Odisha and others. It is a commercially profitable and lucrative aquaculture business in India. Crabs take around 105 days to grow well in the mud or pond, comparatively fresh water.
Crab farming is profitable due to its high demand in the international market. In addition, crabs are demanding for their watery mud flesh, which is so appetising. You can start crab farming by low capital investment in mud or in a small pond.
6. Fish Farming
Another livestock farming fish is also very profitable and comes in an integrated livestock farming system. Before starting fish farming, you should study the market demand and consumption rate. Then, you can choose fishes according to your local demand on common fishes such as ornamental fishes, freshwater fishes, catfish, shrimp, prawns and many more.
India has approximately 10 million total fish production and contributes the 6.3% portion in the global production.
7. Pearl Farming
Pearl farming is profitable, but it also needs a huge prominence. Nowadays, the Pearl industrial livestock farming culture is very demanding, but it requires long term planning. Mainly it takes a lot of effort and patience to create a pearl from an oyster, after such hard work, the result is worth it.
The best sources or regions to find pearl oysters in India are the Gulf of Manna with Tamil Nadu and also in Gujarat state in the Gulf of Kutch.
8. Sheep Farming
Sheep farming in India is a part of traditional business, and they are also raised domestically. It is a lucrative commercial sustainable livestock farming, which is very profitable. You can raise sheep and earn a good profit by selling their meat, wool, and fur. You can raise sheep livestock in organic farming and can nurture them naturally.
Rajasthan is the only state that holds the largest number of sheep in India. There are also many states in India that have a big ratio of sheep farming following Rajasthan. Sheep is a smart livestock farming that helps to engage 5 million households and provide them with a better livelihood and employment also. By choosing the most profitable sheep breed, you can earn a high profit. Also, you also can get the training from feeding management of sheep and goats for better sheep farming.
9. Pig Farming
Livestock farming pigs is a money-making business for small or marginal farmers. It needs a low investment with minimum labour but provides a quick and high return over the investment. India produces around 6.7% of the total meat in the country, with 10 million pigs farming.
Around 90% of pigs are reared in the North and directly sold to the North East regions in India. Half a million of the Indian population are also engaged in India. West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan are the most popular states in India that are engaged in pig farming.
More than 1 billion pigs are butchered every year globally. The majority of pigs are mainly used for meat, skin, fat, for clothing material, cosmetics, etc.
10. Duck Farming
You can start duck farming with low capital investment. They are raised for the production of eggs and meat. It has around 10% of the total production of duck farming in India and also produces 7-8% of eggs in India.
How To Start Livestock Farming Business?
To start a profitable livestock farming business, you need to make a business plan. This plan will assist you with many easy steps by which you can easily start any livestock business. Here we are showing some tips on a livestock farming business plan.
Because of the constant demand of crops and livestock in India, the crop and livestock farming becomes the primary source of agriculture. But here are a few tips to remember before starting livestock farming.
- Know your livestock business purpose
- Choose the Livestock category
- Find a suitable location.
- Choose the best livestock breed for most profitable livestock farming in India
- Buy your livestock feeding equipment
- Check your potential to nurture livestock.
- Good marketing strategy
- Proper care for Livestock
Factors Affecting Livestock Farming
Different Types of Livestock Farming
1. Intensive Livestock Farming
It is the farming in which the animals are raised in the house with the required temperature, food and necessary health care. This type of farming helps to nurture animals faster and more healthy. It includes capital and labour intensive methods both. Intensive livestock farming is also known as industrial livestock farming.
2. Organic Livestock Farming
Livestock organic farming is a part of the livestock production system that seeks to obtain high-quality food without chemical preservatives. The animals can get a large and open area to feed naturally by organic livestock farming.
3. Precision Livestock Farming
Precision livestock farming technologies help manage livestock all along, also known as livestock smart farming. It also includes automatic monitoring of animals’ production, health, and welfare and also detects them individually. Livestock precision farming detects animal milk production, animal behaviour, disease and many more. The precision livestock farming market is enhancing day by day because of many new livestock farming technologies. Now India is becoming adaptable with every technology in livestock farming, such as livestock breeding systems etc.
4. Mixed Livestock Farming and Crop Farming
Mixed crop and livestock farming is farming that grows crops and also raises livestock simultaneously. You can execute it as commercial livestock and crop farming.
5. Subsistence Crop and Livestock Farming
It is a type of farming in which a farmer grows crops and raises livestock for their families.
6. Commercial Livestock and Crop Farming
It is a type of mixed commercial farming where a farmer grows crops and also rears livestock to raise income or for high profit.
According to the given information, we hope you like this content. For more such information regarding livestock farming business, livestock feed price, etc. Keep in touch with TractorGuru.
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