Types of Organic Farming in India

Organic farming promotes soil health and biodiversity and reduces exposure to harmful chemicals, resulting in healthier ecosystems and potentially safer food.
Pure organic farming relies on natural methods without harmful chemicals. Farmers use organic fertilisers and bio-pesticides like bone meal and blood meal.
Organic farming also involves raising animals according to specific standards. This means giving them outdoor access, feeding them organic food, and not using antibiotics.
Mixed organic farming involves growing different crops and raising animals together. It helps soil, controls pests, and makes farms more resilient.
Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) is a method where farmers don't spend money on external inputs like fertilisers or pesticides. ZBNF promotes sustainability and reduces costs.
Organic horticulture means growing plants without chemicals using compost instead of pesticides. It's about caring for the environment and ensuring safe, natural produce.
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