Uttar Pradesh accounted for 2,745.28 (000 tonnes) of peas during 2021-22. This led to the state’s 48.33 per cent share in the overall production of peas in India.
Madhya Pradesh cultivated 890.02 (000 tonnes) of peas in 2021-22. This Indian state contributed to 15.67 per cent of the total peas produced all over the country.
Punjab’s total pea production in 2021-22 was recorded at 467.01 (000 tonnes). This state made an 8.22 per cent contribution to the overall national production of peas.
Jharkhand’s peas production was 356.94 (000 tonnes) in 2021-22. This led to a 6.28 per cent contribution of Jharkhand to the overall production of peas in India.
Himachal Pradesh has climatic conditions suitable for the production of peas. Thus, it contributed 5.79 per cent to national production with 328.80 (000 tonnes) yield in 2021-22.
West Bengal’s peas production in 2021-22 was 147.26 (000 tonnes) of yield. Therefore, this Indian state shared 2.59 per cent of production with the national output.
Chhattisgarh accounts for producing 124.62 (000 tonnes) of peas in 2021-22. This resulted in a 2.19 per cent contribution to the total peas produced nationwide.
Haryana shared 2.19 per cent of pea production in India in 2021-22. The state cultivated about 124.41 (000 tonnes) peas due to the availability of ideal climatic conditions.