Top 7 Types of Greens & Grains to Eat in Winter

To boost the immune system in cold seasons, opt for nutrient-rich vegetables like kale. Harvested between October and January, kale is readily available in supermarkets during this period.
Brussels sprouts offer numerous health benefits. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, high in fibre, and known to support digestive health. Additionally, Brussels sprouts contain antioxidants.
In winter, spinach is a vitamin C-rich green that boosts the immune system and provides essential nutrients like iron for overall health and energy.
Oats offer many benefits during winter. They are a warming and nutritious choice, providing fibre, vitamins, and minerals, helping to maintain energy levels and support overall health.
Quinoa is gluten-free, reducing the likelihood of water retention. It's also high in potassium, which helps balance the increased sodium intake from winter's fried and salty foods.
In winter diets, versatile barley enhances digestive health and fights lethargy with its rich fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Use it in soups or as a rice substitute for a nutritious and warming meal.
In winter, the fibre, antioxidants, and healthy fats in brown rice contribute to lower cholesterol levels, reduced blood pressure, and improved cardiovascular health.
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