Top 7 Dry Fruits Rich in Vitamin B12

Almonds are loaded with essential nutrients and adding this dry fruit in the daily diet is a great way to obtain the daily required amount of Vitamin B12 for better health.
Dates are a good source of Vitamin B12 with loads of other essential nutrients. The regular consumption of dates is beneficial for the healthier functioning of the body.
Vitamin B12 is found in a significant amount in walnuts. Adding this dry fruit in your daily diet is one of the best ways to overcome the deficiency of Vitamin B12.
Eating sunflower seeds on a regular basis is beneficial for our body. If you are looking to obtain a healthy amount of Vitamin B12, sunflower seeds are a recommended option.
Figs are renowned for a number of nutritional benefits. They boost immunity and significantly contribute to a daily required amount of Vitamin B12 by the human body.
Cashews come with various health benefits crucial for our health. The daily intake of Vitamin B12 can be achieved with regular consumption of this Vitamin B12 rich dry fruit.
Pumpkin seeds are another major source of Vitamin B12. As a result, adding them in salads, smoothies and snacks is a great way to obtain a healthy amount of Vitamin B12.
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