Top 7 Cucumber Producing States in India

West Bengal is one of the major producers of cucumber in India. This state produced 326,820 tonnes of cucumber in 2021-22, making a 20.32% contribution to India’s overall yield.
Madhya Pradesh shared 14.76% of Cucumber cultivation in India due to 237,330 tonnes yield in 2021-22. With the availability of an ideal climate, the state grows healthy cucumbers.
Haryana accounted for producing about 182,960 tonnes of cucumbers in 2021-22, leading to an 11.38% contribution to the overall cucumber grown throughout the country.
Karnataka’s cucumber production in 2021-22 was 130,360 tonnes. This resulted in the state’s 8.11% contribution to the cucumbers grown commercially in the country.
Punjab produced 108,710 tonnes of cucumbers during 2021-22, leading to a 6.76% contribution in the total production of cucumbers cultivation all over the nation.
Uttar Pradesh cultivated 103,740 tonnes of cucumber in 2021-22, which marked a 6.45% contribution to India’s overall production, proving it to be a major producer of cucumbers.
Assam’s cucumber production in 2021-22 was 90,230 tonnes, which presented a 5.61% contribution to India’s overall cucumber production, with a profitable income.
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