Top 5 Varieties of Tomato to Grow In this Season

Tomato is a short term crop that takes minimal time to thrive and one of the most popular vegetable crops. Let’s check the top 5 varieties of tomatoes best suited for this season.

1. Celebrity Tomato

It is a medium-sized tomato that grows in a globe shape and takes 70 - 75 days to mature after planting.

2. Heirloom Tomato

This variety produces cherry types tomatoes that can vary in shape and size. And it takes 60 days to mature after planting.

3. Vine Tomato

It is easy to plant and grows in cherry and grape shapes. Vine tomato takes 65 - 70 days to mature after planting.

4. Marglobe Tomato

It grows with delicious flavour and healthy tomatoes, and it takes 60 - 90 days to mature after planting.

5. Moneymaker Tomato

It is the most profitable tomato variety that grows heart-shaped tomatoes and takes 70 - 80 days to mature after planting.

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