Top 5 Rose Production States In India

Cultivated mainly for its fragrance, beauty and other medicinal uses, the Rose is a popular flower grown widely across India. Let's see what makes Karnataka the largest producer of roses in the country.
Accounting for 40% of the country's total production, Karnataka offers favourable climatic conditions for cultivation. First Red, Grand Gala and Noblesse are some of the main varieties of roses found here.
Grown in Kolkata, Howrah, and Hooghly districts, West Bengal has a rich floral diversity with a long growing season. The state accounts for 15% of the production and grows varieties like First Red, Grand Gala, etc.
Uttar Pradesh, the third largest producer of Rose, accounts for 10% of production due to its fertile alluvial soil. Lucknow, Meerut and Agra are major districts that grow Grand Gala and Noblesse varieties of Rose.

Gujarat's well-drained sandy loam soil and semi-arid climate account for about 8% of the country's production. The main varieties include the Taj Mahal, Avalanche and many others.

Tamil Nadu, with its tropical climate and red loamy soil, is India's fifth largest producer of roses, with major cultivation districts being Coimbatore, Dindigul, Erode, Krishnagiri, and Salem.
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