Plum Varieties in India - Types of Plum Fruit

The plum season starts in May and continues till December. The agro-climatic conditions for the large-scale cultivation of Plums are ideal during these months.
This plum variety has a bluish-black skin with red-coloured flesh. However, the Black splendor plums have a central pit, which is not completely separated from the fruit.
The black ruby plum variety has dark reddish skin and yellow-coloured flesh. Also, this variety of plum can adapt to humid climatic conditions and survives easily.
The Black beauty plum variety is comparatively small in size and have white flesh. The fruits become black over time and are harvested during the mid-summer season.
This medium-sized variety is round in shape and has a sweet taste. However, the plants of this plum variety have vigorous upright branches, which bear the plum fruits.
Black Amber plums are medium to large in size and are slightly flattened. The taste of black amber plums is acidic and sweet, with yellowish-red juicy flesh inside.
Simka plums are heart-shaped and have firm flesh. However, the colour of the flesh is golden. It is a self-pollinating variety, and it is recommended to be eaten fresh.
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