Top 5 Mushroom Producing States in India

Bihar has the largest mushroom farm due to its ideal climate and soil conditions. It grows a significant amount of mushrooms and provides livelihood to a large number of Bihar farmers.
Bihar is India's leading mushroom-producing state. The state cultivates 280 tonnes of mushrooms annually, contributing 33.48% of the country’s overall gooseberry production.
Maharashtra follows Bihar with an annual production of 25,600 tonnes of mushrooms. The state accounts for 9.89% of the total production of mushrooms in the country.
Odisha is India’s third-largest mushroom producer, with a 9.66% share of the country’s total production. The state cultivates around 119 tonnes of mushrooms annually.
Haryana comes next with its contribution of 5.38% in the country’s overall mushroom production. Sonipat district in Haryana is highly popular for mushroom cultivation.
Punjab ranks fifth in mushroom cultivation. The state produces 19,150 tonnes of mushrooms annually, accounting for a 7.4% share of total mushroom production in India.
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