Top 5 Most Expensive Rice Varieties In India

Koshihikari Rice earns its title as the most expensive variety due to its superior quality, exceptional taste, and meticulous cultivation methods, making it a premium rice variety.
Basmati Rice is the priciest rice variety due to its unique aroma, long grains, and exceptional taste. Its distinct qualities make it a premium choice, commanding a higher price.
Jasmine Rice holds the title of the priciest rice variety due to its distinct fragrance, delicate taste, and labour-intensive cultivation process, making it a premium choice.
It is the priciest rice variety due to its unique growth conditions, hand harvesting, and rich nutritional profile. Its distinct taste and scarcity contribute to its higher cost.
Black rice is the priciest rice variety due to its rarity, distinct flavour, and numerous health benefits. Its scarcity and unique properties contribute to its higher market value.
Wehani Rice holds the title of the priciest rice variety. Known for its unique reddish-brown hue and nutty flavour, it stands out as a premium choice in the rice world.
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