Top 5 Modern Farming Methods in India

Modern farming, also known as industrial farming, relies on machines and technology for large-scale monoculture. It uses GMOs, synthetic fertilizers, and pesticides to maximize yield.
The Green Revolution began in the 1960s. It transformed Indian agriculture into a modern system by adopting technology such as high-yield seeds, machinery, irrigation, and fertilizers.
Today, technology like satellites, GPS, sensors, smart irrigation, drones, and automation help achieve sustainability in farming and allow for the precise use of resources.
Precision agriculture tools cut down input use, lowering pollution risk. They also aid in monitoring crops, curbing pests and diseases, and boosting soil health.
Sustainable agriculture is farming for the future. It uses methods like crop rotation and water conservation to protect soil, water, and wildlife while meeting our food needs.
Organic farming cuts pesticide use prevents soil erosion, lowers nitrate leaching, and recycles animal waste. Yet, it may raise food costs and lower yields.
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