Top 5 Guava Production States in India

Lucknow-49, Chittidar, Arka Mridula, Banarasi and Allahabad Safeda are the popular types of guava varieties in India, and every variety is highly profitable for farmers
Guava production in Uttar Pradesh contributes to 21.78% of the overall cultivation of guava in India. Therefore, this state produced around 983.59 MT of guavas.
The stats for 2020-21 describes the land under guava cultivation in Madhya Pradesh as 304,000 hectares. As a result, its estimated yield is 44,33,000 metric tons.
Bihar produced 434.41 tonnes of guava. However, this Guava producing state in India is responsible for contributing to 9.62% of the total guava cultivation of the country.
The total guava production in Andhra Pradesh is about 335.11 (000 tonnes), according to the data for 2020-21. This contributed to 7.42% of the total Guava cultivation in India.
In Haryana, Sonipat is the biggest guava-producing district. However, this state cultivates about. 0.053 Metric Tons of guava in India, which generates a profitable income.
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