Here is a short guide to the top-performing disk harrow Implement available in the Indian market that will help farmers make informed decisions on which equipment will best suit their needs.
The Landforce Mounted Std. Duty Disk Harrow is a powerful implement with a rated power of 30-90 HP, featuring 12-24 discs with a size of 560 x 4.5 mm, and a weight of 395 kg – 740 kg.
The Sonalika 10*10 Disk Harrow is an efficient implementation with a power requirement of 70-75 HP, and it features 20 discs with a size of 560 mm and a weight of 305 kg
The Universal Hydraulic Harrow is a versatile implement that requires a power of 80-190 HP, and it features 20-32 discs with a size of 610,660 MM & Thickness of 4-6 MM that can be adjusted according to the need, and 1630 Kg – 2170 Kg weight.
The Landforce Trailed Std. Duty Disk Harrow is an implement with a power requirement of 35-75 HP, featuring 16-24 discs with a disc size of 660 x 6 mm and weighing in at 480 Kg – 720 Kg.
The Khedut Poly Disk Harrow is an implement with a power requirement of 55-95 HP, featuring several discs with a disc size of 610 x 6 mm / 660 x 6 mm and weighing in at 550 Kg – 690 Kg.