Top 5 Cucumber Production States In India

In India, the developing season for cucumbers runs from Spring to June in the mid-year and, in certain areas, from June to September in the colder time of year.

With a share of the national production of 20.32%, West Bengal is the state that produces the most cucumbers in India. In this state, greenhouses offer the ideal growing environment for cucumbers.
The tropical climate of Madhya Pradesh contributed 14.76% to India's cucumber production in the 2021–22 growing season.
With a contribution of 6.45% to the total, Uttar Pradesh ranks fifth in India for cucumber output. This crop is grown extensively in the Sultanpur district.
With 8.11% of India's total output and fourth place, the Dakshina Kannada cucumber variety significantly contributed to Karnataka's production of cucumbers.
Punjab is a significant cucumber-growing state in India, especially from March to June when it's warmer and from June to September in some areas when it's monsoon.
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