Known for their unique characteristics and flavours, some of the diverse brinjal varieties cultivated in India include Pusa Purple Long, Punjab Bahar, Arka Keshav, and Pusa Purple Cluster.
West Bengal, India's largest brinjal producer, accounts for 23.72% of the country's total production, benefitting from favourable climatic conditions and year-round cultivation.
Orissa, India's second largest contributor of brinjal, produced 2.13 million tonnes (2021-22), focusing on winter cultivation and leveraging favourable agro-climatic conditions for profitable yields.
Gujarat accounts for 12.01% of the total production, leveraging its diverse soil types and favourable summer weather conditions to achieve high yields and financial success.
From producing 1.12 million tonnes of brinjal (2021-22) to contributing 8.74% to the total production, Madhya Pradesh ranks fourth largest producer of brinjal in India.
Chhattisgarh, the fifth largest producer in India, grows brinjal mainly in the rabi season and contributes 5.60% to the total production leading to agricultural growth.