Top 5 Benefits of Livestock Farming in India

Livestock farming involves raising domestic animals for food, clothing, and labour. It varies in scale and affects both society and animal welfare.
In India, many poor families earn extra money by keeping livestock like cows and buffaloes. Selling milk from these animals provides them with a steady income.
In India, many with little education and few skills rely on seasonal agriculture for work, lasting up to 180 days a year. Those without land turn to livestock for income during off-seasons.
Livestock owners, in their reliance on milk, meat, and eggs, find these products to be indispensable sources of animal protein, sustaining their nutritional needs and livelihoods.
Animals provide social status to owners and are involved in socio-religious events. Cows are used in housewarming ceremonies, while rams, bucks, and chickens are sacrificed during festivals.
Livestock play a significant role in producing materials such as wool, hair, hides, and pelts. Leather stands out as a crucial product with substantial export potential.
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