Karnataka and Maharashtra are the major producers of Arhar in India. These states have a huge contribution to the overall production of Arhar in India due to suitable climates.
Karnataka cultivates 11,26,310 tonnes of Arhar per year. This Indian state has a contribution of 28.94 percent of the total Arhar crop produced in the country.
Maharashtra is another major producer of Arhar in India, generating higher profits for farmers. It grows 10,84,320 tonnes, contributing to 27.86% of the total production.
The annual production of Arhar in Uttar Pradesh is 2,79,300 tonnes. Uttar Pradesh has a significant contribution of 7.18 percent of the overall Arhar produced in India.
Madhya Pradesh is also a producer of Arhar in India. It cultivates around 2,74,650 tonnes of Arhar per year. This results in the contribution of 7.06% in the national production.
The annual production of Arhar in Gujarat is 2,10,790 tonnes. As a result, this Indian state has a share of 5.42 percent of the total Arhar cultivated in the country.