Best Tips For Natural Vegetable Farming In India

Prepare the land by removing weeds and debris. Test soil health and pH levels. Create raised beds for better drainage and plan crop layout for optimal sunlight and airflow.

Choose certified organic seeds to avoid chemical treatments. Select seed varieties suitable for the local climate. Buy seeds from reliable suppliers to maintain purity.
Enhance soil fertility using compost, green manure, and vermicompost. Implement mulching with organic materials. Incorporate crop residues to boost organic matter content.
Rotate crops annually to prevent soil nutrient depletion and pest buildup. Alternate between legumes and non-legumes. Also, plan crop rotations based on root depth and nutrient needs.
Utilize drip irrigation to minimize water wastage. Implement rainwater harvesting systems. Mulch soil to retain moisture and reduce evaporation. Schedule irrigation wisely.
Use neem oil, garlic spray, and chilli extract as natural pesticides. Encourage beneficial insects like ladybugs. Practice companion planting to deter pests and promote health.
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