Sandalwood Farming Tips in India

Sandalwood farming can be profitable due to the high demand for sandalwood products in various industries, such as perfumes, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.
Sandalwood growth needs loamy soil with a pH between 6.5 and 7.5, ideal for retaining water. Not only this, but it should also be rich in organic matter.
Sandalwood requires a tropical or subtropical climate with 12 to 35 degrees Celsius temperatures. In addition, it prefers a rainfall range of 500 to 3000 mm per year.
Sandalwood can be propagated through seeds, vegetative cuttings, or tissue culture. Seed propagation is the most common method, while vegetative propagation is used for selected varieties.
Plant sandalwood seedlings/saplings in 45x45x45 cm pits, with a recommended spacing of 2m x 2m or 3m x 3m, providing ample room for tree growth.
Implement a well-balanced fertilizer schedule with a moderate dose of NPK (20:20:20) and organic manures for healthy sandalwood growth based on soil nutrient analysis and recommendations.
Sandalwood trees can be harvested when they reach a certain age and size, typically between 15 to 30 years. The yield of sandalwood heartwood can vary but is generally considered valuable.
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