Ash Gourd Cultivation Tips in India : Planting & Harvesting

Ash gourd is low in calories, rich in fibre, and high in water content. Consuming it helps with digestion, weight management, and hydration. It supports overall health and regulates blood pressure.
There are many types of ash gourd varieties cultivated across India. APAU Shakthi, CO-1, CO-2, Pussa Ujjwal, and Kashi Ujawal are some of the main hybrid varieties that are in high demand.
Ash gourd is a warm-climate crop that thrives between 24°C and 31°C. Its growth is best in humid and heavy rainfall regions, but it is susceptible to frost conditions.
For ash gourd farming, plough the land four times to achieve a fine tilth. In the last plough, add well-rotted manure. Dig pits 30x30x30 cm spaced 2m apart, and create basins in the field.
Ash gourd can be grown two times a year to earn a good income. The growing seasons, which are considered ideal for its cultivation, are from January to March and September to December.
Harvest ash gourd when the fruit is mature, and the vine begins to dry (90-100 days after sowing). Cut carefully from the vine and handle with care to avoid damage.
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