Plum Farming Tips in India: Plum fruit

Plum is a demanded fruit with high nutritional value. As a result, the large-scale production of Plums is profitable for farmers. Also, plums do not require a special climate.
Plums are loaded with vitamins and minerals, ensuring healthier body functioning. Also, plum fruits are significantly beneficial in reducing cardiovascular diseases.
It is suggested to grow plums in low to mid-hilly areas. This fruit requires both hot and cold weather for the ideal plant development, resulting in a higher yield.
Deep loamy soils with proper drainage of water is considered best for plum cultivation. The soil pH level should be 5.0 to 6.5, with consistent neutral pH for plum farming.
One-year-old plum seedlings are recommended for planting in the fields. Also, the planting space should be 6m X 6m for rows, leading to 275 trees from one hectare.
Adequate weeding and hoeing is done in the fields to remove the unwanted plants for Plum farming. Farmers also prefer using weedicides to efficiently eliminate weeds.
Plums are ready to be harvested after ripening, and this process is done manually to obtain a profitable yield. Multiple pickings are carried out in plum cultivation.
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