Nutmeg Farming : Know about Techniques and Planting

Climate and Soil

Nutmeg grows well in warm, humid environments with an average annual rainfall of at least 150 cm. Clay loam, sandy loam, and red lateritic soils are ideal for its growth.

Techniques for Propagation and Nursery

Usually, seeds are used to grow nutmeg trees. Large-sized tree burst fruits from high-yielding trees are gathered as they fall. Good germination requires regular watering.


Seedlings are transplanted onto the main field when they are 12 to 18 months old. The ideal distance is 8 x 8 metres. Pits of 60cm cubes are dug and filled with compost and topsoil.

Manures & Fertilizers

Heavy manuring is necessary for nutmeg to grow and produce properly. During the initial planting year, 10kg of compost or farmyard manure may be applied per plant


Seedling trees give fruit in 7 to 8 years, while grafted trees bear fruit in 4 to 5 years. After 15 to 20 years, they reach the full-bearing stage and can produce for up to 60 years.


A fully mature tree may typically yield 2,000–3,000 fruits per year under normal circumstances.

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