Mustard Cultivation Know Complete  Details For High Yield

Soil Necessity

Sandy loam or clayey soil is perfect for Mustard cultivation. The neutral soil pH level is ideal for growing Mustard.

Climatic Conditions

It needs dry and warm climates for quicker growth and the recommended temperature is 10°C to 25 °C, which is ideal for high yield.

Land Preparation

The land should be ploughed two to three times to get the desired tilth stage and we should prepare moist and uniform seed beds for sowing.

Time Of Irrigation

Provide water one month after sowing and then irrigation is given during pod formation.

Harvesting Process

We can harvest Mustard after 110 to 140 days of planting when the seeds become hard and pods turn yellow.

Mustard Cultivation Yield

Mustard gives 20 to 25 quintals of seeds from one hectare of land.

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