Makhana Farming Cultivation in India - Makhana Crop Season

Makhana farming can be done in various ways, such as traditional farming in waterlogged areas, hydroponic farming, and greenhouse cultivation, each with its benefits and challenges.
Makhana farming is eligible for various government subsidies and financial assistance schemes to promote its cultivation and enhance farmers' income.
Bihar, West Bengal, and Uttar Pradesh are some of the popular states in India for Makhana production.
The cultivation process of Makhana involves sowing seeds in the waterlogged field, followed by transplantation, weeding, and harvesting of the crop.
After 120-150 days of cultivation, the makhana seeds are harvested by handpicking the ripe fruit and carefully extracting the seeds, which are then dried in the sun and processed for sale.
Makhana cultivation takes around 90 to 120 days, with harvesting typically done in August and September.
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