Corn is rich in iron, which aids in blood cell formation and potentially manages anaemia. It also contains folic acid and niacin, which are crucial for blood cell production.
For corn, the best soil is fertile and well-drained, with a pH of 6.0-6.8. Early corn thrives in light soil (sand or loam), while later corn prefers heavier soil (silt or clay), if possible.
Corn thrives in warm, sunny conditions (75–86°F). It requires occasional moderate rains or irrigation (15+ inches in the growing season) and at least 130 frost-free days.
After planting, fields need immediate irrigation. Later, water will be used as needed, considering soil type and season. Maize needs less water at first, then weekly.
Corn faces threats from pests and diseases, including downy mildew and leaf spot, which pose significant challenges for farmers. These issues pose challenges for farmers in protecting their crops.
Corn is ripe 15 to 22 days after silk appears. It's picked by hand, pulling the ear downward while twisting the wrist. Combine harvesters are also used for corn harvest.