Mahindra Tractor Total Sales Increase 27% By December 2022

Domestic Sales ( +30% )

In comparison to 16,687 tractors in December 2021, Mahindra sold 21,640 domestic tractors in December 2022 and saw a 30% increase in domestic tractor sales in December 2022.

Export Sales ( +1% )

Compared to 1,582 tractors in December 2021, 1,603 Mahindra tractors were exported in December 2022. The data on export sales show a 1% increase in export sales.

The information above was shared by Hemant Sikka, President of the Farm Equipment Sector of Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.

Festival Season

Mahindra & Mahindra reported a 27% increase in total tractor sales. Even after the festival season, the company noticed increased tractor demand.

Due to the soil's high water content, more rabi crops were sown, which eventually boosted the demand for tractors. Buying Kharif crops was thus essential for making such deals, as well.

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