Jackfruit Farming : Things To Keep In Mind While Cultivating
Climatic Condition
The jackfruit tree is primarily found in tropical lowlands. However, it has adapted to a broader range of conditions due to geographical diversity.
Alluvial soils that are deep and have an open texture are best for growing Jackfruit.
To prevent root disease, the area for planting should first be cleansed of old tree stumps. Then, the soil should be ploughed before making the planting-interval-designated rows.
The pink fungal disease can also affect Jackfruit during the rainy season. Therefore, treat plants with sulphur fungicide during the rainy season at least twice a month to avoid it.
Protection from Pests and Diseases
Pesticides should be sprayed on the wrappers to prevent fruit damage. Dead branches and twigs should be burned.
Fungal Pink Disease
The pink fungal disease can also affect Jackfruit during the rainy season. Therefore, treat plants with sulphur fungicide during the rainy season at least twice a month to avoid it.