Green Chilli Farming Tips in India

Green chilli farming in the summer season is profitable for farmers. It is a popular vegetable in India and is highly utilised in Indian households due to its spiciness.
The suitable temperature for green chilli farming is 18 to 20 degrees centigrade. However, green chilli is a moderate-climate crop and does not require a special climate.
The popular varieties of green chilli in India are Pusa Sadabahar, Pusa Jwala and Pant C-1. These varieties are profitable for the farmers as they give higher production.
Plough the field 2 to 3 times completely and break any soil clods present in the field. Then, provide 150 to 200 quintals of farm yard manure or compost for better soil fertility.
Chilli is grown according to the type of crop. Sowing in May-June is recommended if it is cultivated as a Kharif crop. In summer, sowing is carried out in January.
The usual weeding and hoeing are carried out twice to control weeds. However, the first weeding is executed 20 to 25 after planting, and the next weeding is done 3 weeks later.
If the green chillies are used for vegetable needs, they should be harvested carefully while they are green and properly matured and red ones are picked for packaged goods.
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