Duck Rearing in India - know tips and benefits

For small-scale duck farming, a small open and airy farm is needed, while large duck farming requires a tall, narrow, and rectangular house located away from the city area.

Ducks thrive in temperatures between 12.8C (55F) and 23.9C (75F), and temperatures outside the range of 4.4C (40F) to 37.8C (100F) can be harmful.
Natural weather is best for duck rearing, with 70% humidity ideal; low humidity causes feather loss, and high humidity causes coccidia and worm infestation, requiring proper ventilation and garbage drying.

Artificial light aids duck physical development and egg production, with broiler ducks requiring full-night lighting and egg-laying ducks needing 14-16 hours of light per day.

Bamboo sticks or wire mesh fencing is required on 40% of the walls to allow proper ventilation and free movement of wind in duck houses.
Duck houses require dry floors with net floors suitable for younger ducks, while concrete floors are necessary for older ducks, and measures should be taken to keep mice out of the house.
Duck house bedding requires moisture-absorbing material such as straw, rice husk, and wood powder to be spread on the floor.
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