Complete Information About Rubber Farming

Climatic Condition

Needs heavy rainfall between 200 to 300 cm with 75% humidity. Temperature should be 20°C to 35°C and requires 5 to 6 hours of sunlight everyday.


Laterite soil and slightly acidic well-drained porous soil is ideal for cultivation. The soil pH range between 5 to 6 is considered best.

Land Preparation

Square plantation is done on levelled land and rectangular plantation is suited for sloped land. About 450 rubber trees can be planted in one hectare of land for best yield.


Requires irrigation at regular intervals and rubber needs a high water amount in summers.


It is the extraction of liquid from rubber trees and it begins when its thickness reaches 50 cm with height about 125 to 130 cm.


Rubber starts yielding after five years of planting and the peak output is achieved after 14 to 15 years of planting. The annual rubber production is 800 to 1000 kg per hectare.

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