Comparison Between Escorts Steeltrac and Eicher 242 Tractor
HorsePower Comparison
The Escorts Steeltrac comes with 12 HorsePower, whereas Eicher 242 has 25 HP.
Engine Displacement Capacity
Escorts Steeltrac is fitted with an ideal displacement capacity engine, while the Eicher 242 has a 1557 CC capacity.
Lifting Capacity
Escorts Steeltrac has an enormous 450 kg lifting capacity, and the Eicher 242 comes with an efficient 1220 kg lifting capacity.
Braking System
Escorts Steeltrac is equipped with dry disc brakes, and Eicher 242 has an oil-immersed braking system.
Fuel Tank
Escorts Steeltrac tractor has an 18-litre fuel tank. On the other hand, Eicher 242 comes with 34 litres fuel tank capacity.
Price Range
Escorts Steeltrac price starts from Rs. 2.60 lakh and goes up to Rs. 2.90 lakh in India, whereas the Eicher 242 price is Rs. 4.05 to 4.40 lakh in India.