Comparison Between New Holland 4710 and Eicher 548
HP Category
The New Holland 4710 comes with 47 HP, whereas the Eicher 548 has 49 Horsepower. Therefore, both tractors deliver effective performance during farm activities.
Engine Displacement Comparison
New Holland 4710 is fitted with a 2700 CC capacity engine, while the Eicher 548 has a 2945 CC capacity. This makes them a suitable choice for farming.
Comparison Of Lifting Capacity
New Holland 4710 has an effective 1500 kg lifting capacity, and the Eicher 548 comes with an efficient 1650 kg lifting capacity. Hence, both are ideal for necessary farming tasks.
Braking System
New Holland 4710 is equipped with mechanical, real oil-immersed brakes, and Eicher 548 has a multi-disc oil-immersed braking system. This leads to proper safety and grip on every surface.
Fuel Tank
The New Holland 4710 tractor has a 62-litre fuel tank. On the other hand, Eicher 548 comes with 45 litres fuel tank capacity, helping in long hours of activity.
Price Range
New Holland 4710 price starts from Rs. 7.27 lakh and goes up to Rs. 9.34 lakh in India, whereas the Eicher 548 is Rs. 6.50 to 6.80 lakh. Thus, both are reasonably priced.