Cherry Gardening in India with Best Techniques

Cherry is one of the fleshy drupes that various plants produce. First, however, you should know some techniques to grow the cherries in your garden. 

Pick the Site Location

Cherry trees require air circulation, full sun, and good space, about 30 to 40 feet between individual trees. 

Planting the Cherry Tree

While planting the standard-sized cherry, you must dig a hole about the dimensions of the baseball.

Water Requirement 

You’ll require water for growing cherries every other day for the primary week, two-three times during the second week after planting your cherry. 

Soil Preparation 

Cherries must have the best soil drainage to survive the weather. It also tends to be best with a soil pH between 6.3 to 7.2.


Both sweet and tart cherries are often propagated by hardwood cuttings and semi-hardwood. 

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