Cardamom Farming Tips in India - Elaichi Benefits

Having cardamom daily can boost your health. It aids digestion, circulation, and respiratory health. Plus, its antioxidants fight inflammation.
Small cardamom grows best in soil rich in organic matter. Loamy soil with plenty of humus is ideal for commercial cultivation. A pH range of 4.5 to 7.0 is perfect for cardamom plants.
In April-May, dig 45x45x30cm pits and fill them with topsoil, compost, or farmyard manure. On slopes, make contour terraces and plant closely (2mx1m) along the contour.
For cardamom, 1 kg of agricultural lime is applied yearly to soils with a pH under 5. Fertilisers should be applied 15-20 days after lime, using 5 kg of cow dung/compost in May or June.
For new cardamom plants, frequent weeding is vital. Later, hand weed near plants in May, September, and December/January. Slash weeds in between as required.
Cardamom plants usually bear fruit two years after planting. Harvesting peaks in October-November, with picking done every 15-25 days.
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