Ivy Gourd Farming Tips - Ivy Gourd Seeds

Ivy gourd cultivation is the process of producing and harvesting Coccinia grandis., Ivy gourd is a tropical vine popular for its edible fruits and leaves with many nutrients.
Ivy gourd cultivation thrives in warm subtropical and tropical climates with temperatures ranging from 20°C to 35°C and a well-distributed yearly rainfall of 800 to 2000 mm.
Ivy gourd cultivation needs well-drained soil which is fertile. The ideal soil pH range for ivy gourd cultivation is 6.0 to 7.5, and the soil should have good organic matter.
Land preparation in ivy gourd cultivation involves clearing the area, ploughing the soil, mixing organic matter, and creating beds for better drainage management.
In ivy gourd cultivation, seeds are planted directly into the prepared soil or produced as seedlings in nurseries for transplanting later according to convenience.
Ivy gourd cultivation harvesting involves picking matured fruits and tender shoots routinely, generally 60-90 days after sowing, for consumption or commercial purpose.
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