Fibre is essential for a healthier bowel movement. It controls blood sugar levels, promotes digestion, lowers the level of cholesterol in the body and boosts overall health.
Potatoes are rich in fibre content and can have a significant role in the daily dose of fibre required. One medium potato with skin gives 3.63 g of beneficial fibre.
Carrots offer 3.08 g of fibre from one cup of serving. Adding carrots to your diet is helpful to achieve the daily requirement of fibre, and they also have additional nutrients.
Broccoli contains 5.14 g of fibre in a single cup. This veggie contains soluble fibre for better gut health. It also helps in the absorption of several essential nutrients.
Beetroot is another fibre-rich vegetable for the healthier functioning of the body. This blood-boosting veggie offers 1 gram of fibre from one medium-sized beetroot.
Cauliflower has 2.86 g fibre from one cup serving. The insoluble fibre present in cauliflower is helpful for humans, as it prevents constipation and promotes intestinal health.