Apple Farming:- Post-Harvest Management Activities

The apple fruit ranks fourth among the fruits that are most widely produced worldwide and is the oldest and most significant temperate fruit commercially.

Let us learn about some of the Post Harvesting Management Activities in Apple Farming.

Apple Pre-Cooling

Before packing, the apple fruits are placed in a ventilated, cool area to reduce field heat. Prior to grading, wrapping, and filling in cartons, the surface must be dry.


The size and quality of the fruit determine the apple's grade. These categories are fancy class I and fancy class II, extra fancy or A, B, C, A, AA, and AAA.


Compared to other fruits, apples have a longer shelf life and can be kept in cold storage for 4 to 8 months at a temperature of around 1.10 to 00 and with 85-90% relative humidity.

Marketing and Transport

Apples are typically packaged in wooden boxes holding up to 20 kg or 10 kg of fruit.

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