Ajwain grows in drought, offering farmers profits. It's in high demand because of its medicinal and culinary value. Sensitive to water, it requires careful irrigation. India leads in the production of Ajwain Cultivation.
To prepare the soil for Ajwain, choose loamy or clayey soil. Plant seeds from August to November in well-drained land, avoiding sandy soil. Plough to remove weeds for optimal growth.
For Ajwain, seed propagation is preferred over cuttings. October to November is ideal for sowing. Seeds are spread directly in fields and take a week to germinate. Plant 0.5-2 Kg per acre, maintaining proper spacing.
Ajwain is sensitive to waterlogging and needs careful irrigation every 2-3 weeks, with extra care during flowering. Maintain good drainage. Five to six irrigations are sufficient for cultivation.
Weeds are a big problem for Ajwain, controlled by manual weeding or chemical spraying. Aphids and Powdery Mildew also harm yield, requiring chemical control measures.
Ajwain fruits mature in 120-140 days. They're greyish-brown, aromatic cremocarps with one seed. Harvest within six months using a thresher or by beating plants with sticks.