Majorly produced in the state of Andhra Pradesh, lemon cultivation is practised widely across India. Master the art of growing luscious lemons with the five essential tips in the slides.
Lemons grow best in tropical regions and thrive in warm climates with plenty of sunlight. So, choose a sunny spot for your lemon tree.
Lemon plants typically do not respond well to regular shallow soakings. Hence, keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, and water deeply once a week during dry spells.
Regularly trim dead or weak branches to encourage new growth and maintain a healthy lemon tree, but be careful not to over-prune or damage the tree.
Wait until the lemons reach their full colour, gently twist them off the branch to harvest ripe fruits, and store them in a cool and dry place for later use.
Wait until the lemons reach their full colour and gently twist them off the branch to harvest ripe fruits, or leave them on the tree for longer if you prefer more sour lemons.